
Love Poem for a Friend


I tell you stories so we will be close, so when

We go to those places others do not see we


Remain Free to Dream


Worlds never known before, scattered from

One side of the universe to the other our

Imagination combined, giving us a view of

Things that have never been realized

Angels are here, they wait for your soul

Taking us on a ride through time, to where

What is can no longer be if we are to survive

Time leaving us with something once loved

That faded away into battles lost and won that

Now return to reveal life’s scars allowing us to

See who we are again, allowing us to come

And go as day turns to night, one small world

Floating through space known throughout the

Galaxies as the place where love was created


I tell you stories so we will be close, so when

We go to those places others do not see we


Remain Free to Dream


Love Poem for a Friend

Poetry as Gifts